This module has certainly opened my eyes up to what the internet is really about. The huge myriad of information that I have taken in during my time in this class, has made me more aware of the wonders and users of the internet. Though i am not as tech-savvy as I would like to be, I am more aware what I can do with the internet. The topic I enjoyed most, was definitely the one on e-commerce, as I have purchased from such online businesses and these has made me realize that a lot of hard work goes into the creation process, all the way through the final transaction.

Also, topics like internet security has given me more insight on what can happen in this virtual world that appears to be more secure that it actually is. I’ve heard of hackers who steal your personal information and assume your identity without you even knowing. The scary thing is, there is no way of tracking you down, and even if they trace your IP address and what not, the thread that ties you to these crimes is relatively harder to physical crimes. As the threat of cyber crimes is more prevalent in today’s society, we have to be more careful about what we post, to whom we post it to and where. All this factors are definitely cause for concern where privacy is something that all of us attain to have.

All in all, I had a lot of fun in this module, what with all the videos and discussions that are being brought up in class. Furthermore, the class was pretty humorous in their presentations and some had very good skits and information that I had not known before I stepped into the class. But what i enjoyed most, where the little bite-sized information about the topic which really gave me a new perspective on how I would see the internet.

One thought on “TNT

  1. Your class sounds like fun! Internet has also lead to piracy such as movies that have not been showed in the cinema that appears on the internet such as funshion which a lot of people these days turn to to download their movies.

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